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FRLG Summary Screen

v21.1 FRLG Summary Screen 2.0

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21 ➖
This is just a highly edited of the default Pokemon Essentials summary screen UI to match the style of the FRLG Summary Screen.
Note: This is not exactly the same as the main series one but is highly similar.

This plugin has been tested compatible with Pokemon Essentials v21. Any version lower than that isn't tested for compatibility with the current version of the plugin.

[2023-07-08] 11_15_33.227.png
[2023-07-08] 11_09_45.176.png
[2023-07-08] 11_08_26.537.png
[2023-07-08] 11_08_34.748.png
[2023-07-08] 11_06_42.713.png
[2023-07-08] 11_08_01.034.png

[2023-07-08] 11_07_21.471.png
[2023-07-08] 11_07_33.235.png

Modifying the Settings of the Plugin

The settings[i.e EV, IV display, IV ratings display, etc] of the plugin can modified from Plugins/FRLG Summary Screen/[000] Settings.rb. The instructions for the same is given in the file itself.

Installation Instructions
1. Delete the Graphics/UI/Summary/ folder from your project.
2. Download the FRLG Summary Screen.rar from the Go to Download option with the Graphics and Plugins folders.
3. Extract and replace its contents in your projects main folder.
4. Compile the game and you are good to go!
Pnick0509, Superjustinbros (Graphics)
Lucidious89 (IV Ratings)
Shashu-Greninja (Modifying the Graphics and the Script)
First release
Last update


0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from Shashu-Greninja

Latest updates

  1. v2.0 update

    This version of the plugin is made compatible to Pokemon Essentials v21. Also some new features...
  2. v1.1 update

    Fixed a bug while using the plugin in Vanilla Essentials 20.1. FIxed some minor graphical bugs...