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Streamlined Evolution Methods + Regional Evolution Items

v19 Streamlined Evolution Methods + Regional Evolution Items 1.1

This resource pertains to version 19 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v19.1 ➖
This is a resource which adds an item for complicated evolution methods, as well as add a way to allow normal Pokémon to evolve into regional forms more easily, which can be a tedious process in base Pokémon Essentials.

This is a stone which you can use in place of complicated evolution methods. The sprite is based on a segment of Runerigus, infamous for its overly complicated evolution. I'd recommend giving it to the following Pokémon:
  • Inkay (upside down method can't be replicated at all in Essentials)
  • Galarian Farfetch'd (theoretically programmable, but very annoying for the player to have to get lucky with critical hits anways)
  • Galarian Yamask (I don't need to explain this one)
  • "Use move X amount of times" evolutions (Hisuain Qwilfish and Stantler)
  • White-Striped Basculin (similar to Yamask and Galarian Farfetch'd, hard to program, hard for the players to do as well)
  • Other Pokémon with non-linear evolution methods (Sylveon, day/night or friendship evolutions, trade evolutions, etc.)
1. Download the RAR and then add the item graphic into your game's 'Items' folder.
2. To use, simply add this to items.txt, XXX being the internal ID number, then set any Pokémon you want to evolve with an Idios Stone like Evolutions = RUNERIGUS,Item,IDIOSSTONE
Idios Stone Item:
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XXX,IDIOSSTONE,Idios Stone,Idios Stones,1,10200,"Great for overly complicated evolution methods! It allows certain Pokémon to evolve.",1,0,7

I've made four of these, one for Alola, one for Galar, and two for Hisui. I will show how to implement these further down, but essentially, these items work like the Razor Fang/Claw in that they will allow a Pokémon to evolve when they gain a level. Give them to your Pokémon to hold, level them up, and it should evolve them into a regional form. It's up to you to decide when you give the player these items, but I'd recommend to do so in the midgame since immediate access to every regional evolution may be overpowered for your game.

Here are the four items:

Strange Souvenir: Allows Pikachu, Exeggcute, and Cubone to evolve into the Alolan variants of their evolutions.

Dynamax Crystal: Allows Koffing and Mime Jr. to evolve into the Galarian variants of their evolutions.

Alpha Shard: Allows Scyther, Stantler, Ursaring, Petilil, Rufflet, and Goomy to evolve into the Hisuian variants of their evolutions (for Scyther, Stantler, and Ursaring, their ancestral evolutions)

Tarnished Shard: Allows Quilava, Dewott, and Dartrix to evolve into the Hisuian variants of their evolutions
- I created a separate item for these Pokémon just incase you wanted to give the player the Hisuian evolutions right at the start of the game. This item only applies to Hisuian starters, and unlike the Alpha Shard, is consumed upon evolution.

1. Download the RAR and then add the items' graphics into your game's 'Items' folder

2. Like with the Idios Stone, add these to items.txt and substitute XXX for their internal IDs
Regional Evolution Items:
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XXX,STRANGESOUVENIR,Strange Souvenir,Strange Souvenirs,1,48000,"An Alolan artifact to be held. It makes certain Pokémon evolve into their Alolan forms.",0,0,0
XXX,DYNAMAXCRYSTAL,Dynamax Crystal,Dynamax Crystals,1,19000,"A Galarian crystal of energy to be held. It makes certain Pokémon evolve into their Galarian forms.",0,0,0
XXX,ALPHASHARD,Alpha Shard,Alpha Shards,1,72000,"A Hisuian artifact to be held. It makes certain Pokémon evolve into their Hisuian forms.",0,0,0
XXX,TARNISHEDSHARD,Tarnished Shard,Tarnished Shards,1,3000,"A Hisuian artifact to be held. It makes certain Starters evolve into their Hisuian forms. One use.",0,0,0

3. Now, you'll have to add the scripts which will allow these items to work. If you believe Scyther, Ursaring, and Stantler are justified in evolving without these specific items being needed, take them out from where they're mentioned.
Regional Evolution Item Scripts:
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# Go to the script 'FormHandlers' and copy the following in:

  "getForm" => proc { |pkmn|
    next 1 if pkmn.hasItem?(:STRANGESOUVENIR)
    next 0
MultipleForms.copy(:PIKACHU, :EXEGGCUTE, :CUBONE)
  "getForm" => proc { |pkmn|
    next 1 if pkmn.hasItem?(:DYNAMAXCRYSTAL)
    next 0

MultipleForms.register(:SCYTHER,{ # Change to Petilil/Rufflet/Goomy/Bergmite if you're not counting the brand new evolutions
  "getForm" => proc { |pkmn|
    next 1 if pkmn.hasItem?(:ALPHASHARD)
    next 0
# Remove the first three Pokemon here if you're doing what the last comment mentioned

  "getForm" => proc { |pkmn|
    next 1 if pkmn.hasItem?(:TARNISHEDSHARD)
    next 0

# Now go to the script 'Evolution' and add in this new
# evolution method: This is for Tarnished Shard so the item will be consumed properly.

  :id                   => :HoldItemHisuianStarter,
  :parameter            => :Item,
  :minimum_level        => 36,   # So you can't cheese the evolution
  :level_up_proc        => proc { |pkmn, parameter|
    next pkmn.item == parameter && pkmn.level >= 36
  :after_evolution_proc => proc { |pkmn, new_species, parameter, evo_species|
    next false if evo_species != new_species || !pkmn.hasItem?(parameter)
    pkmn.item = nil   # Item is now consumed
    next true
# Compile your game and test to see if any method works. Does giving a Cubone a Strange
# Souvenir evolve it into an Alolan Marowak? etc.

These are simply an extra requirement in evolving a Pokemon into a Regional Form, meaning existing evolutionary requirements may still apply; you may also create new ones, such as requiring using an Idios Stone and holding one of these at the same time. The exception is the Hisuian Starters, who will require the new evolution method I mentioned in the scripts, like this: Evolutions = SAMUROTT,HoldItemHisuianStarter,TARNISHEDSHARD.

Besides my dedicated Hisuian Starter Evolutions, This is not a Pokémon Legends: Arceus script, things like items, Enamorus/Basculegion form logic, and moves from that game will be obtained elsewhere. This may be helpful. The sprites there are outdated, however, so I've supplied properly Essentials formatted sprites in the download link.

This is my first Relic Castle Resource, and I am by no means an expert in the Ruby language, so it's likely there might be something wrong here. Please let me know if you find anything wrong so that I can fix it as soon as possible.
Smogon Sprite Project (Pokémon Legends: Arceus Sprites)
Ze Memerr
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Hisuian Starter Fix

    Fixed poor logic that ignored the level 36 requirement for Hisuian starter evolutions.