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Pokémon PBS Syntax Highlighting (for Notepad++) 1.0

Pokémon Essentials Version
v16.2 ➖
This language extension for Notepad++ provides syntax highlighting for the pokemon.txt PBS files, turning this...


into this...


There really isn't much point in this, it just makes the PBS files look nicer for the people who prefer to edit them manually.

  1. Open up Notepad++
  2. On the top menu bar, click the language drop-down
  3. Click 'Define Your Language' (hint - it's at the bottom)
  4. A window should pop up. On the top bar, press the button labelled 'Import'
  5. Navigate to the location of your downloaded 'PBS Pokémon - Notepad Language.xml' file and open it.
  6. Finally, close the User Languages window and go back to the Languagedrop down. PBS - Pokémon should be there.

If there is anything you think is missing/not working, don't hesitate to mention it. And if you (for some reason) want syntax highlighting for all the PBS files, again, don't hesitate to mention it.

You don't really have to credit me for this, since it's purely cosmetic for the developer, and isn't seen in the final game.
Don Ho - Author of Notepad++
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Thanks to you, I could discover several syntax errors in my pbs-files. Great Job!
Thanks for sparing my eyes from the black and white death of default Notepad++. It's a lot easier to tell whether something is a variable or a sting at a glance now.