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In Development Postscriptum

This project is a work in progress. The content is subject to change, and not finished yet.
Project Status
Work in Progress
Project Version
Welcome to the world of PostScriptum.
This is the main game for which PS: The First Journey was made as a prequel.
Get ready for the most unique fangame you have ever played.


Follow the steps of the protagonist, a melancholic young adult stricken by unemployment and paralyzed by a chronic care-free and lethargic attitude. His redemption-seeking and guilt-averting efforts are eventually met with a job interview, at none other than the Pokemon Couriers, a prestigious, esteemed, and highly regarded organization. Setting his sights on the future, he attempts for the last time to begin anew.



It is the year 2006. The general state of the world is nearing that of a Utopia. The League System, propelled by the invention of the Pokeball in the 1700s, has been tremendously kind to humanity. Manual labor was relegated to everyone's favorite creatures, and world peace has been achieved, with the last World War being nothing but a memory. But that is not the case for certain undeveloped countries. Not everyone is able to live the dream of a young trainer venturing out on a grand journey, and many nations have not yet been graced by the United World League's generosity. One such particular place, called "Artemisia", an island city nested between two continents - and the regions of Unova and Paldea - has been met with incredible misfortune. And of all the perfect places in the world, this is where the protagonist has ended up...


~The Characters:
The Courier:

A confused individual whose inactivity, passiveness, and unwillingness to do anything other than reading weird comics or consuming other forms of entertainment led to a buildup of negativity and apathy over the years. However, the realities of adult life struck him a bit too hard (and all together at once), forcing him to seek a job in all sorts of weird places. Of course, he held none up to this point. Various circumstances conspired to bring him over to the one and only city of Artemisia, the last option on anyone's list.


Sylvia is a former middle-class citizen whose life was shattered because of Artemisia's "Factory Incident". An incredibly talented and intelligent individual, her abilities enabled her to reach the top of her Medicine class. Her dream was to become a doctor. She didn't make it in time though… Disaster stroke, and Artemisia’s Mayor ordered all higher education institutions be transferred to the Northern parts of the city, where middle-class had no access to, anymore. Thus all of her hard work had been in vain. Sylvia, as a result, became cold and isolated, avoiding things such as feelings that would restrain her from achieving her next goal: Reaching the upper parts of the City.


Tyson might come off as edgy, and teenage-angst ridden, but this attitude of his is accompanied by a healthy dose of energy. Intent on crushing every definition of "weakness", the only thing he cares about is becoming the best of the best (and staying that way). His bravado is not just a fluke - he has remained undefeated for quite a while. Rumors of an overpowered Flygon quickly spread everywhere, and even the infamous Blue Glove gang's bathroom visit frequency tripled each time they heard its cry. A firm believer in self-discipline, Tyson never falters under any circumstances. He hates his short stature.


Zack’s past is shrouded in mystery. From rags to better-looking rags, he did everything in his powers to move up in life, but instead ended up with the Blue Glove Gang. He can get very sarcastic when things go really, really bad, even when his friends’ lives are on the line. He has a lot of battling experience, and heaps of confidence. He also seems to have had some kind of education at some point in his life, though his old mates would swear he's never opened a book. He was born with innate leadership skills, something that has attracted unparalleled jealously from his gangster enemies.


~ Unimportant Features:

- Many of the Trainers are far more experienced than you. This is reflected on their levels. They're usually guarding the streets so watch out! However...

- ...your trusty PDA (Personal Delivery Assistant) has a Trainer Detection feature. It is up to you to decide how and when to choose your battles. Avoid or confront?

- Animated character portraits for all major characters and then some

- Lost? Your PDA has got you covered

- An acceptable vernacular

- At least 40 completable sidequests

- Around 15 hours of content (not counting the battles)

- MC animations for many interactions (climbing, item grabbing)

- An Original Soundtrack

- Unique ways to overcome enemies. Those who want to grind can, those who dont... may find other ways

- Interconnected lore and characters with sidegames like The First Journey and Times Edge. After all TFJ is the prequel to this game.

- Weird, goofy, and absolutely unreasonable NPCs


~ ACTUAL Features:
- A closed world, railroaded experience

- An absolutely linear adventure where your choices never matter!

- Constant backtracking and your entire job being a fetch quest (expectedly)

- Nobody wants your help and nobody will reward you for your help

- Zero replay value

- What do you do when your entire job is a fetch quest? YOU GO DO YOUR JOB. Unless... you want to snoop around. In places you shouldn't.

- As a player, you have no real say on how the game world turns out - and your decisions are, in the grand scheme of things, negligible (no, this is not an AAA RPG)

- The weirdest writing you’ve ever encountered in a game

- Jokes so bad, the likes of which should be purged from this plane of existence

- A living world where themes intermingle and ideas clash.

- A quest for understanding, knowledge, and truth. But mostly hope - no matter what happens.

- A mission system that finally tells you the truth: There are no rewards. That’s right, what were you expecting? It’s work, you get “paid” for it (at least, that’s what the Boss says). Why would anyone be interested in rewarding you for doing things for them? If you manage to get a “Thank You”, well, a winner is you , and you should feel overjoyed. Interested yet?

The application form is right there….


Gameplay Overview (minor spoilers):

General Information:


- “Missions” in this game are the equivalent of your typical RPG “quests”. Official requests you receive from the Branch are marked as “Missions” in your PDA, while unmarked or unofficial requests, or other objectives, are shown as “Personal Logs”.

- There is a Main Quest, which has two major branches; the PDA Mission titled “Find the Mysterious Recipient”, which is the very first objective ever given to you by Mr. Olofsky in the Kalos Branch, and an unmarked variable tracking your overall contribution to Artemisia.

- There are many interactions and smaller events that aren’t Mission-dependent, and some of them might become unavailable after certain points in the game. These won't affect the availability of missions.




- You have the option to avoid/skip most of the Trainers in this game, barring the four “tutorial” Trainers. This includes all “bosses” expect for two. You can choose between fighting your fights or skipping them, both are viable.

- Your PDA comes with a module that allows you to detect most Trainers: when it functions correctly, it will display these symbols related to Trainer strength:

! Trainer
(!) Strong Trainer
(=!=) Very strong Trainer

Nobody knows if there are other modules with extra functions. After all, and in contrast to your colleagues, you are stuck with a piece of mostly analog tech.

- There are two ways to skip a boss; one is by completing a related Mission, and the other is area-dependent. In more traditional terms, you could say you have the option of either doing a particular sidequest, or solving a “dungeon puzzle”. There’s no instance where both are needed.

- At no point in the game is it necessary to backtrack to an existing NPC you’ve met the first time you explored an area in order to unlock new content or get missions. This isn’t applicable to NPCs who ask you to bring their written mission requests to the front desk or the mission lady. However, specific events in the story might trigger the appearance of new NPCs in previous areas.

- The Mission Lady’s mission list is frequently updated. You should check it whenever you drop by the Courier Center, and anytime you have a gut feeling a new one might be available. Obviously, major story events are usually accompanied by new available missions.

- At no point are you expected to grind, but you are allowed to (there is no level cap). There are a few NPCs in the Under that can be re-battled for that purpose. Re-battling is limited to a few fights, but availability is renewed every time you progress through the story in a significant way.

- The scarcity of healing items is not a big problem if you turn your Scrap Metal pieces over to the Courier responsible for repurposing them into potions for you. However, you may choose to donate the potions to a hospital instead – they can be used on humans as disinfectants. The choice is yours.

- Depending on the Mission, it is sometimes preferable to spawn-heal upon taking a loss, than reset, and/or backtrack to the Courier Center to heal.

- There is a very limited number of mons you can find. However, those mons aren’t really missable, as subsequent episode releases will check for any you have missed (assuming you cannot backtrack to their respective areas due to story reasons) and will make them available again.

- When stuck, take a look at your PDA. You should check your PDA often. You will be prompted for any Mission or Personal Log update 99% of the time. Whenever you are faced with a difficult fight you cannot win, make sure you have explored enough, then visit the Mission Lady. All battles are winnable, but almost no battle is mandatory.


Important Points:
- Pokemon-wise, the game has been inspired by Colosseum, gen 5, and gen 1 BETA. If you are a fan of those games, you'll probably like this one.

- Many older lore details are preserved and taken into account. Everything that you see is something Gamefreak or Genius Sonority has done before, just a bit more, uh, "pronounced". For instance, "real countries" (gotta love 90s stories).

- Look, okay, this game might benefit from a guide. And game design in general has gone a long ways these days. BUT, that doesn't mean you should be pampered. Take a moment to think about how you're going to proceed. You don't need a freakin' compass to get to the bathroom, gee what's wrong with games nowadays...

- Died making the music

- What the heck is the meaning of this game anyway?

- The game should be compatible with android interpreters. That's why it's still on v18 (it's also compatible with older computers as a result).

- Think of the game as a traditional rpg. Wow that sounds like a new genre. But without the abilities of Pokemon as items. As in the OG lore, Pokemon are just overpowered animals, they can help, but not by a lot. Besides, the main character is probably too dumb to use them like that, anyway.

- Explore.

Massive thanks to all the great people who have made this possible. Credits at the bottom of the thread.


Q: Is there a way to see my Pokemon's EV/IV?
A: No, and it is unnecessary. This game is really easy combat-wise. And in most battles, your IV/EV builds wouldn't have helped you anyway. Try to see your Pokes for the unique little things they are.

Q: Does this game feature a level cap?
A: No, you can find other ways to go around high-leveled enemies. That's more fun than any AI Pokemon Battle.

Q: This is really confusing, especially in the beginning. Is there a walkthrough?
Will be.

Q: Where and how can I get X or Y or this or that?
A: 1) You most likely can't, 2) You should be interested in doing your job, not catching Pokemon and other silly stuff. Isn't that right?


Currently Known Bugs:
- If you button-mash your way through the title screen you might get a crash.


Gamefreak, of course.

Testing, Sidequests, Ideas, and Feedback Team:


^ you the real MVPs

- Sewers map: Earthescape

Legacy Testing and Assistance:

Special Contribution: (Sidequests, Game Progression, Design Assistance, Suggestions)
  • Alilatias
  • JoStarNight
  • ArtilleryOctillery
  • PhantomBima
  • Manul
  • Sandy

  • Alilatias
  • SoyBean
  • Mane
  • ShinyMissingno
  • Sandy
  • ArtilleryOctillery
  • Xanderos
  • NiT
  • DogzNDogz113
  • Display name
  • Ray2064

Bughunting, Support and Feedback, Sidequests:
  • Alilatias
  • karnamata
  • PhantomBima
  • JoStarNight
  • Dypatome
  • Anthony
  • Mane
  • walpurgis
  • Swamp King
  • Busti
  • Whiteflare
  • Bronson
  • The1Kobra
  • DemICE
  • Xenoic
  • why cant I find a valid name
  • ArtilleryOctillery
  • Xanderos
  • Ulf / Rillard
  • Dinoboy
  • Manul
  • Nikai
  • Dirtlord
  • PicklesThePikachu
  • berkaykrl
  • NiT
  • Kolper
  • Jfred
  • Pansygum
  • Display name
  • Zorpiborp
  • Cros3
  • Ray2064
  • Anoua
  • Yrgulian
  • HaroldGold
  • Shagust2108


Pokemon Essentials Kit:
Flameguru's Starter Kit

This would never have been possible without your hard work.

Scripting & External Tools:
S.J.Luka > Utilities, Bitmapwrapper for animated GifSupport, Title Screen script
FL - Tilemap Daynight Change, extra settings under options, controls, Unreal time, HMs as Items (additional editing by derFischae and Bulbasaurlvl5)
Dragonite >>> NodeJS solution to automate Trainer creation
Marin >>>>>>>>>> Easy Questing Interface, speedup, Variable Tracker
Amethyst & Kurotsune >>>Text skip
corlenbelspar >>>> the most excellent eventing caterpillar tutorial in the world (although that's also possible with dependent events, but it's more fun this way)
Wecoc >>>> Incredible tile change script, for autotiles too
MikeCakes >>>> static camera assistance for Chip Minigame
IIcolour Spectrum - Release and Deposit Prevention Script
Ego13 - Pbs with mega evos
Mr.Gela’s Name Windows and portraits – Mr.Gela you are awesome sir.
PNGQUANT - PNG color compression
Techskylander - Book script (AnonAlpaca UI), CustomPokedex Entries
Kyu - BOTW Item like gathering
Zeriab, and tweaked by Pia Carrot, F12 Pause Menu By
Klein Studio, TankerGold > FastForward, Always on Bush
TenshiOfWar, Animated Battlers (Luka's wrapper and script also credited on top)
bo4p5687, Help book (adventure rules), graphics by Richard PT
HDrawer (based on shiney570 script), BW Save screen
Yankas Radial Menu script
ThatWelshOne, Item Crafting
Maruno - Invalid Tile Fixer

Pokemon Sprite Animation:
Non original animation:
Snivy101 @ Deviantart - Incredible Sprite Animations, seriously man
Diegotoon20 @ Deviantart
kirbio @ Deviantart
Creobnil @ Deviantart
SelenaFF @ Deviantart
Shadowslan @ Deviantart
spyroflame0487 @ Deviantart
WolfytoDark @ Deviantart
ekurepu @ Deviantart
harrie5 @ Deviantart

Nephae @ Deviantart - Great character pixel art conversion from ORAS/XY Trainer Artwork
Wesley-FG =================> dude those Hoenn BW style OW's are like, the best
N-Kin @ Deviantart
CJames-21 @ Deviantart
fishbowlsoul90 @ Deviantart
leparagon @ Deviantart
PixelLlamaArt @ Deviantart
Wobblebuns @ Smogon
TheLayell @ Smogon
Gardow @ Deviantart
RockAdam @ Deviantart
zerudez @ Deviantart
Falgaia @ Deviantart
aXl @ Smogon
Lyell @ Deviantart
Seikou @ Smogon
Princessofmusic @ Smogon (XY PROJECT)
PoLlOrOn @ Deviantart, very nice trainer vs sprites
Pixel.emoji - Trumpet Sprite
supagokuman2 - Base Red Overworld Sprite
RedKnightX(Jack) - Eusine Overworld Sprite
ArtilleryOctillery @ The Boss' private room

akizakura16 @ Deviantart (super - clean tiles)
Magicscarf @ Deviantart (incredible, beautiful tiles)
DaybreakM @ RelicCastle (nice clean tiles)
Mataraelfay @ Deviantart
manuxd @ Deviantart
mysticalmew24 @ Deviantart
BoOmxBiG @ Deviantart
SailorVicious @ Deviantart
EpicDay @ Deviantart
UltimoSpriter @ Deviantart
shiney570 @ Deviantart
HokoZero @ Deviantart
Final Artz @ Deviantart
Emipuchucha @ Deviantart
Cityville team
shugar-tits @ Deviantart
WesleyFG @ Deviantart
Aigue--marine @ Deviantart
LotusKing @ Deviantart
EpicDay @ Deviantart
chaoticcherrycake @ Deviantart
Burton-kun @ Deviantart
Kaliser @ Deviantart
Midnitez-REMIX @ Deviantart
ditto209 @ Deviantart
PeekyChew @ Deviantart
Dot Art World
ThatsSoWitty @ Deviantart (you rock dude/lass)
TheGreatBlaidCarrasco @ Deviantart
chimcharsfireworkd @ Deviantart (same parts of previous tileset?)
A few rips from Professor Layton, @ SpritersResource
A few rips from The Legend of The River King 2 (GBC)
A few rips from Pokemon Ranger
A few rips from Mario & Luigi Partners in Time

Modified Lantern Icon from Four Swords Adventures

Other Graphics:
Aki @ Relic Castle - Free Summary Screen

Zuhn - cherry blossom leaves gif

Non-original Music:

  • Guillaume de Machaut (1300 A.D.) – “Douce Dame Jollie” ( Annwn Band - Rendition, Cello Cover - Roxane Genot)
  • Pagioumtzes, + Tsitsanes, (1938) “I’m in love with a taken one”

Junichi Masuda, Gamefreak, “Gym Theme”, "Cianwood City", "Pokemon Center", "Route 23"
Kenta Nagata, Hajime Wakai, Tōru Minegishi "Mewtwo Battle"
Dr. Fruitcake - Johto victory theme

Sound Effects:
Rhyden @ RelicCastle (thanks for your gen7 Pokemon cries)
Metro Last Light - Screaming Crowd
Hydroplane Sound: Sounddogs, Free Preview Sample
Jross aka Xeltic89 - cave audio - cave ambience
SoundJay Royalty Free Sounds - Camera Shutter click 04
All Things Meda - Free beach waves
Joseph Sardin - Free Helicopter sound
SoundFactory - Free fire sound

kanookies @ Deviantart

Tileset Credits from public Tilesets as referenced in previous sets:
(Pokemon Gaia Project)
Blue Beedrill
Bulbapedia and Bulbaforums
Jesse TBPro
spypoke megafc

*if your name does not appear on this list, please contact us ASAP in order for us to add
** if, for whatever reason, you do not want your public works to be used in this fangame,
please contact us and we will remove it immediately





The game is being updated to a newer engine, download will be unavailable for compatibility reasons.


"Okay, I’ve been looking for a game to play after finishing E.T. on NES (yes, you read that right on the NES). Well, to tell you the truth, I started playing Postscript out of sheer boredom. I was like, 'no freaking way there's a game worse than that garbage, man'. Boy, was I wrong. I'd rate PS 0.1/10 - it is the ONLY game that has managed to dethrone E.T. in the department of.... well, everything?
- MOBAsAreBetterThanLife

"I can still remember the first time. My first time experience with this... 'game'. Let me make it clear to you from the beginning: you do not want to play this game. It's torture. Cutscenes are painfully long, NPC dialogue is ... elementary school - level awful and worst of all, IT TAKES HALF AN HOUR TO EVEN LET YOU ASSUME CONTROL OF THE PLAYER, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? Listen to me, do not play this game."

"Sigh... Where to begin...? First of all, there's a lot of misinformation throughout the game. When I'm playing games, I'm expecting 100% real-world authenticity, especially when the content of such a work is touching upon the most intellectual of issues. Then again, I have never found any game that could satisfy my elite 1% genetically gifted brain - and I say this as someone with an IQ of over 420. Such a number is, inevitably, the sole indicator of mental superiority. I do not detect the need to further provide any other explanation on the reasons one should be staying away from this."

"RPGs are all about pen and paper"
- Someone old

-Igor the Swabbie

"What is a game? Is it a work of art? Is it an opportunity to capitalise on, and subsequently sell 200 DLC that cost three times the base product? We believe so. However, this game doesn't even support mandatory DLC. If you wish to be seen as a proper developer, at least consider submitting a Season Pass"
-CF (Computerized Farts)

"When I’d first started playing... I was expecting to waste a couple of hours or so. I ended up wasting far more - I could have spent that time being a contributing-to-society individual, instead. I'm placing all the blame on this game for forcing me to stray from my path."

"Okay, okay. I have played more than 10.000 JRPGs - I consider myself a pro in that regard. I have also visited Japan numerous times, and have witnessed firsthand their incredible artistic capabilities, manifested in glorious epics such as "Super Monster Fisher Imagination 25". This game lacks a proper in-depth strategic battle system. Its plot keeps dragging on and on (I'd say it is even longer than certain classics, and I am really torn about this - is that a good or a bad thing?) References to Japan are kept to a minimum - as a result, I cannot continue playing this game any longer. It does have its fair share of waifus though, so I'll give it a 9/10."
-Naruhodo Kyosuke

"This is like Trebuchets in AOE2. Its freaking annoying"
- IStillPlayOnWin98

"What the Ducklett man. The main character in this game has managed to build great calves from.... walking? Lol, everyone knows that without a 5x5x5x5 lifting routine, and an absorption of at least 4times your bodyweight in protein, such growth cannot take place. This game is misinformation in itself. Oh well, back to buying protein powders for me."
- HenryTricepMaster

"This game must have been made by illogical, emotional, loud Southerners."
- Logical, cold, silent Northerner

"This game is contrarian."
- A contrarian.

"The jokes in this game are worse than my math grades."
- Social sciences sophomore

"Juxtaposing the innate qualities of an astonishingly well structured narrative, to the total ellipsis of a proper theoretical understanding of underlining Vorverstadnis of osmotic parenthesis, one can arrive at the conclusion of an ever-present misdirection of opposites, to which, and after a self-critical approximation of spatial conscience (from which no pure ontological perspective can be extrapolated) there is a clear lack of interpretation of the words of Dhefack Imsayin, an invaluable contributor to consensual epispermologies of the being - to such an indefinite cosmological approximation (inescapably, inevitably and unavoidably as well) that, quite uncharacteristically, is expressed within the confines of a non-chronical Epanaprosdiorismus - a redefinition of lack of full stop in the texts of inquirers of the non- empirical."
- Social sciences Major

"game lacks stuff"
- Maths Major

"I'd like to leave a humorous loop here, but I just can't program for the life of mine"
- L33+, unemployed programmer

"This game is a disgrace to the franchise. It doesn't even include 9th gen Pokemon. I cannot find my favorites in the wild. I cannot find any HMs. It also makes use of, like, Latin or whatnot to appear more
' serious'. Pathetic. Somebody is unaware of their tropes."
- Hates-Genwunners

"This game needs a tutor to understand how the metagame works. Everyone that disagrees with me has probably never even reached the top of the Ladder. Is ELO and GlICKO too much for you noobs? Also cracking 'jokes' at the Smoke'on community ain't funny. We take competitive imaginary digital cockfighting very seriously"
- A random guy from Slowdown

"Citation needed. This game needs a cleanup. Sources are biased. Delete this. Citation needed"
- Wikipedia Moderator for a Living

"Xenoua, the Warrior anti-Medicine Princess, disagrees with this"
- A Philosophologist

"This game is not 8bit."
- pixelover

"This game is pretending to be something it is not. It fails at everything and lacks in all areas, particularly in mapping"
- Reality Check

"From an atrociously composed soundtrack, to a cringeworthy narrative, Postscriptum never fails to disappoint. I can only give this a 2/10"
- /r/ProGameReviews

"This game is biased towards the poor"
- iInheritedMyGrandma

"[SPEECH 100] This game reminds me of the Big Empty"
- Courier Six

"As a professional reviewer, I'm not very good at games. But you don't need to be good at something to judge it, right? Right guys?"
- Jorge Sakamoto

"I would starve in this game"
- Big Smoke

"I will take legal action against the new Saffron Gym for taking over ours"
- Former Fighting-Type Saffron Gym Leader

"The Vikings used to be the strongest warriors in all of existence"
- Someone pwned by the Irish (and basically by anyone with a normal army, also utterly ridiculed by the Byzantines)

- Lex Luthor, Superman 64

"When logic ends, logic begins"
- Logic

"This game has inspired me to quit games"
- A Gamer

"It has been empirically proven that showing game review abstracts to potential players serves to present your game in a very positive manner. However, no review can portray this game in a positive manner"
- An empiricist

"Where's the @#[imath]%^ map when you @#[/imath]%^ need one, @#$%^"
- Dorka the Explorer, on this game's areas

"I'm Commander Sheepfart, and this is my least favourite game in the universe"
- Commander Sheepfart, Paragon build, before contemplating on which colored ending to choose from

"This game is a contradiction"
- Smiles Edgywork, after obsessing over evidence and contradictions

"Kantonians are shorter than Kalosians"
- A short Kalosian

"Did you know that the first gen Pokemon games had a reference in them that was making fun of nerds?"
- A Pokemon Nerd

"Mega Score: 100. User Score: 0.
This is obviously a great game"
- Megascore

"I love this game! You can climb up buildings! I wish we had that implemented back when we had first made The Youth Pamphlets IV: Catastrophe"
- Bott Coward, on climbing mountains, also Horse Armor

"We don't like the word 'Epistle' in the title of this game. It reminds us that we cannot actually count to three. We prefer abandoning our franchise, like, in the middle of the series - hence our company's name!"
- Halve

"I'm an N fangirl and this game doesn't even reference him. Puke game"
- An obsessed woman in her 30ies

"Myth of Lank: Sniff of the Tame is the best closed-world climbing simulator, we're gonna imitate that in our own next installment!"
- Bott Coward on mountains, again

"This game reminds me of America, America"
- A Film Connoisseur

"Anything mainstream sucks "
- An Elitist, very smart and with better taste than you, most definitely

"Anything not mainstream sucks"
- A Mainstream Elitist, loves iCarly and Sitcoms

"The German Tradition practitioners of historical fencing are far, far, FAR more competent than those Fiore airheads"
- A Man chosen by the Masters themselves

"Anime is the best style of animation "
- Someone who is not an animator

"I gain no satisfaction from playing games anymore"
- Someone with more hours spent on steam than Sir Gampen outside of steam

"I love this game. I'm playing with all settings on max and 60fps as well! 10/10! Take that, console peasants!"
- A PC Enthusiast, has bought a JTX-Giant Reference at launch, has sold house and conscience to do so

"The baby..!"
- A very vulnerable Zamus

"Maths is important"
- History

"When does a game really showcase its flawed design concept?
When it is wrong on so many levels"
- Someone unfunny

"I want to judge a game based on its fanbase"
- Nobody cares

"Had the ancients ever been able to choose only one videogame among many to play, which one would that have been?"
- The Internet

"Even Postscriptum's graphics are better than 'Killer's Dogma: Historically Inaccurate Satrap of Assyria Ripoff Pseudo-Mythological Sequel Factory's story"
- Truth

"Is Dank Psyches a JRPG? I'm confused"
- QuoteAccu commentator

"But... what if 1+1 = Artemisia is a parallel universe where the protagonist is alive? Just a theory. A game theory"
- Videogame Speculators

"I have only injured myself 300 times doing crossfit. That means it's demanding, right?"
- Walking wallet to the Gym

"My eloquent and unsurpassed taste in games has proved the infallible judge in me right, yet again! I am someone with an exceedingly sharp critical approach, and my irrefutable analyses always induce a fissure of enlightening thought - an eternal, ethereal, almost divine waterfall of invaluable feedback that can only be described as 'a magnanimous service to the evolution of game development'. I am indeed aware that most, sigh, game 'developers' are absolute amateurs, yet I cannot resist engaging in unprecedented logodiarrhoea, a practice which will undoubtedly help those amateurs understand their erroneous ways. Most Pokémon Fangames are to me - and, thus, only to the most sophisticated of players - poo, starting from their very inception - objectively speaking - and honestly, this one not only is, but looks the part as well. After playing about five or so minutes, I finally knew: this Postwhatever is the worst of the bunch"
- Scream review, hours played : 0.1

"This game is the worst manga ever"
- A comics hoarder

"I know all there is about this!"
- Sophomores in general

"Puts walking simulators out of business"
- Edgy Magazine

"The less showers you take, the better this game smells"
- Dirty is the new clean

-I was hoping this game would be different, I really was. It had potential in regards to presenting something intricate and eloquent. However after finishing the demo I came to the conclusion that it is nothing more than another emotion-based story, and cheaply done at that. As with most games, it threw all decency out of the window by emphasizing cliche situations, such as overcoming obstacles through persistence, self-examination and reflection and the usual out-of-thin-air inspiration garbage that somehow works. I cannot understand the appeal of such concepts, I mean, sure in the end it probably is a matter of taste, but then again most people like shallow stuff. I'm sure its gonna end with some sort of sappy pathological compassion trope, as usual. Back to playing deep, convoluted jrpgs where not everything is black and white and cliche, and in the end the player defeats some sort of superentity. Such deep games.
- Cool story bro

"I've no idea what I'm talking about, here, let me carry your suitcase for you"
- Professor's Assistant

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Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Version 2.13

Please make sure you are up to date, as a softlocking bug has been fixed.

  • Fixed softlocking Game Society transfer from sewers to South Artemisia causing you to get stuck
  • Color coded all SW similar-looking apartment buildings and their doors
  • made climbing rocks more distinct
  • added a small tutorial area with climbing rocks in R2
  • Fixed Tyson out of date description of Gym Leader's party
  • Fixed item appearing on an SW roof instead of behind the building
  • Fixed a wrongly tiled building in SW


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Version 2.14

-Updated all PDA entries referring to Citizens in mid-sizezd apartments, to match the apartment colors
-Updated more ambiguous PDA entries
-Updated unspecific PDA entries
-Updated riddle givers for East dialogue and PDA entries to be more specific
-Made NPC close to secret Shack in SW hint about its location.
-Added faction unlock prompts for initating mission-gathering for each
-Added a secret easter egg, if you manage to interact with all the pianos
-Fixed various typos
-Fixed musician event not disabling speedup
-Fixed asynced musician event
-Fixed musucian event getting you stuck if approached from the wrong side
-Fixed interior tiles
-Disabled speedup during all cutscenes
-Recolored special building roofs to make them less jarring
-Fixed possibility of gangster Trainer blocking the way to Harry in the Old School
-Fixed LVL100 levelup bug
-Fixed Fairy Spring hole entrance not activating by stepping on it, and needing to be interacted with
- Made Samantha goodbye dialogue clearly mention where she's going
-Fixed Rapid MC direction facing
-Added more autosave points
-Made all Rasperga bookcases interactable for consistency in regards to finding the notes


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017

There is a chance the Main Game will receive an important update that might make it incompatible with very old hardware. It cannot be updated the same way as TFJ (using both new and old versions) because it lags significantly on AMD cards due to map size. Unless someone knows how to retrofit the new map renderer of V20.1 to v18, and is willing to help, this will be impossible to fix.

Until now I've been very careful to make the games compatible with ALL hardware so people who couldn't afford better computers could run them. However the recent joiplay update made all Essentials games, regardless of version, compatible with Android. And since most people who cannot afford better pc hardware can afford, or already have, smartphones, I've been considering migrating FE to the newest engine. The newer Engine will allow for a big number of significant upgrades to the game experience. However, my top priority is for everyone to be able to enjoy the games.

If you cannot play newer fangames, and don't have a smartphone either, please post under this thread.


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Version 2.15


  • Applied parts of map connection and loading fixes from 20.1 to reduce chances of crashing (very low to none, now)
  • Removed having healed Budew being a requirement to activate the Toilet Cleaning Mission
  • Multiple secret areas added
  • All Fridge events will now say "..." if interacted with more than once, singifying they have already been interacted with
  • Improved city layout
  • Reduced number of required Dragonite shots for the chasing minigame, to 28 from 40.
  • shortened intro
  • text improvements


  • Fixed Bonsly Mission appearing on your PDA twice (applicable on new savefiles)
  • Fixed Barrel Challenge Mission appearing on your PDA twice (applicable on new savefiles)
  • Fixed Hugo the Weedle guy showing up before you got your starter
  • Fixed lighter-colored void
  • Fixed Pillow Mission man not detecting completion
  • Various tile fixes
  • fixed evolution BGM not stopping
  • fixed high volume SNight theme


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
- Hotfixed to 2.15a due to a title screen loading oversight. Should take care of it, but please inform me if anything's wrong.

Version 2.16
  • Almost all item picking events should disable speedup now
  • Fixed Fall's Pass cave entrance, and R2 Tile bugs
  • Fixed some typos
Version 2.17

  • A possible PDA-disabling bug if your character was named a particular way has been worked around
  • Fixed two missions possibly being accessed before you got your starter
  • Fixed Rations Courier NPC not resetting speedup
  • Fixed First Sokol encounter not disabling speedup
  • Matched Sig's OW hair color to his Portrait
  • Fixed missing MooMooShake Icon
  • Fixed various tile passability issues
  • Fixed Checkpoint to W guard referring to you as courier when not in uniform
Version 2.18

  • Fixed naming bug reverting you to a blank player state
  • Fixed Morty pay loop glitch
  • Made Cap face south to be more easy to spot
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Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Version 2.19

An important progression bug has been fixed.


- Added a healer in S Artemisia


- A significant bug that would prevent a mid-game (semi-mandatory) mission from appearing has been fixed
- flower seller will now comment on bonsly earlier
  • A buttload of tile fixes
  • A lot of typo and grammar corrections
  • fixed invisible npc
  • fixed many more scenes not disabling/enabling speedup when they should
  • the old map will be deleted after helping the man relieve himself
  • fixed west underpass directional transfer to R0
  • corrected some floaty mon sprites
  • the forgotten uni fridge will now tell you how many fridges you have interacted with
  • fixed uni directional transfer to basement
  • fixed incorrect npc facing player
  • fixed wrong player direction upon exiting an S building
  • fixed wrong npc sprite outside S building
  • fixed trainer not talking to you before you got your starter in SW



- Added the legacy event for Ulysses house after a certain point in the story


  • Fixed various descriptions that wouldn't update at certain mission points. Almost all missions should update properly now.
  • Added more save points after and during missions


- Fixed PDA menu check checking for the wrong thing (your PDA should show up / disappear properly now)
- Fixed SE tent interiors being visible from other tent interiors
  • Fixed speedup not being disabled/enabled in various cutscenes
  • Fixed Senkopex Enforcer not disappearing after the Doctor event in E
  • Fixed incorrect enemy trainer positioning
  • Fixed NPC in E not having any dialogue
  • Various tile fixes
  • A whole bunch of typos and grammar
  • Added mission complete message after procurement of Bonsly
  • Fixed wild battle theme not playing during the Ariados fight
  • Fixed Ulysses not disappearing during and after a certain mission
  • Fixed MC portrait not showing in a couple of dialogues
  • Fixed duplicate fairy spring entrance dialogue
  • Fixed a port NPC not turning towards player
  • Fixed some sewer transfers transferring you one tile higher
  • Fixed Acrobatics description
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Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
2.21 - Episode 2 Final update (for real this time - unless something major comes up)
Thanks to the amazing work of Erun, a crazy amount of bugs have been fixed.


  • Redesigned some parts of Fall's Pass
  • updated Amalcaldesa relative dialogue post-karp form.


- Fixed more incorrect speedup enabling/disabling
  • Fixed Portrait Crash in Port
  • Fixed wrong direction NPCs
  • Fixed gangsta outfit rope climbing events
  • Fixed one npc not responding to gangsta outfit properly
  • S Doctor will no be permanently scared if gangsta
  • more tile fixes
  • Fixed Fall's Pass Cave to Fall's Pass side not detecting you one tile higher
  • Fixed strength prompt refusal still activating strength
  • Fixed weirdly behaving stairs in Route 1
  • Fixed 1 tile higher Cave spawn
  • Fixed missing portrait in R1 hole events
  • Fixed missing item icon
  • Fixed autumn ruins entrance warp length
  • Replaced missing item icons
  • updated swamp mission description after stage 1
  • yet another bunch of typos and grammar


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
So far the game reminds me a lot of Pokemon Aegis, a game that covered almost all of the same themes but a bit less amateurishly, with really fun gameplay to boot. You should definitely check it out. Might help inspire you as you're making the next episode~!

Hello, I have never heard of the game you mentioned. I'd love to try it but the overall story for FE has already been planned out, and I don't have a lot of free time these days , so it'd be much more convenient for me if you could share some more details on the similarities!

I googled the game and read the thread, but at a first glance, I can't see how the themes might be similar. Unless you mean the city setting and the mayor specifically, which were used for convenience (much less to develop for within a city rather than a whole region) and the mayor is mostly a Colosseum reference.

Also, could you please elaborate on what you mean by "less amateurishly"? Considering you have finished episode 2 and have done most of the side missions, what areas need improvement? Are you talking exclusively about the presentation?
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Apr 27, 2023
My question about the game now, is how compete is it? Will it answer my burning questions I was left with after RJW, or will I need to be patient on that? I'm talking questions like "so does he meet his brother" and "will the league ever be exposed?" And "What's going on with Daisy?"


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
My question about the game now, is how compete is it? Will it answer my burning questions I was left with after RJW, or will I need to be patient on that? I'm talking questions like "so does he meet his brother" and "will the league ever be exposed?" And "What's going on with Daisy?"
Everything will be addressed in this game, yes. Currently, it has as much playtime as TFJ and is on Episode 2. You will realize a lot of things even this early on, but some more specific questions haven't been answered yet.

Episode 2.5 will be released in a few weeks if all goes well, and will extend the playtime, so I would advise you to wait for that, and then give it a go!


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Hello everyone, the game is being migrated to a newer version of the engine, and along with that, massive changes will be introduced. It is also likely that a new episode will be included in the new update that I am doing my best to bring out as soon as possible. For those of you who have reached the end of the current episode, a savefile with all SQs completed, saved right at the end of the previous episode, will be provided. Until then, the download link will be unavailable to avoid any savefile incompatibilities. Thank you for your understanding.


Jan 30, 2024
Hi. I have a question. I have played through your games (they are great) except I have not played Fated Epistle. I've been wanting to play it, but I know that you were busy working on the new engine plus the next chapter of the game. While I wait for that (thank you again for making these cool games), is there a way I can play an older version of Fated Epistle?


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Hi. I have a question. I have played through your games (they are great) except I have not played Fated Epistle. I've been wanting to play it, but I know that you were busy working on the new engine plus the next chapter of the game. While I wait for that (thank you again for making these cool games), is there a way I can play an older version of Fated Epistle?
Hello, the game is unavailable unless you were to dig through weird, and potentially malicious sites that "grab" fangames (highly not recommended), and I don't have a version ready to be uploaded on my computer. The changes to the game are massive and I believe will negatively impact your experience if you play the legacy version that close to release.

I would have already released the game but I was injured in the head, and I am recovering currently. I will do my best to release the new version by the end of February. So, I suggest you wait. Sorry for the delay.


Jan 30, 2024
Oh no I'll just wait, as I don't want any viruses. I appreciate the update you've given, and I hope you feel better as well.


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Hello, everyone. A small update: the game's development is progressing smoothly. Sorry for the multiple delays. Please wait just a bit longer!


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Hello everyone, I'd like to inform you that development is going along smoothly, and a release is expected around April. I'm sorry for the long wait, but things have been really tough.

Thanks to the efforts of the community, many plugins, and a new version of Essentials, along with various new features have already been implemented.
Some non-spoilery examples, made possible by the aforementioned, are:

  • Native widescreen resolution, and 60fps performance
  • Multiple ways to approach gameplay progression
  • Overhaul of the city's level design
  • A ton of new content, and assets
  • Double the size of areas and things to explore
  • Much better integrated story
  • Enhanced and rewarding exploration, integral to the gameplay

I won't accompany this post with screenshots, as I hope to have something better later down the line. See ya!