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New to this site, so it might take me a few months to get a proper read on how this site operates. I'll probably silently lurk during this time, social anxiety is fun!

But I'd love to help out with some Pokémon fan game projects! I'd love to do my own with a story I had in the works but I lack the know-how, maybe I'll learn through helping out with other projects? :D

I'm very open about my disabilities because I believe it's very healthy to talk about it. I have ADD and traits of autism, as well as social anxiety but I've been told I'm a nice person to talk to! And because of my ADD, I can easily become fixated on my work and get a ton done but on the flip side I can loose interest in a project and might need help getting back into it. So I ask you to keep these things in mind if you're approaching me to ask to help with a project then do so at your own risk, haha!

If you are planning to contact me, please do so here before other sites like Discord. As I tend to ignore friend requests if I don't know where they're from.

My favourite Pokémon game is tied between B/W and it's sequels, with N probably being my favourite character outside of the champion/rival characters that I'll always have a soft spot for. My favourite Pokémon is Smeargle and Espurr and my favourite types are Normal/Dark!

I love drawing and I use a digital tablet and Easy Paint Tool SAI, I can edit basic sprites using Paint.NET (recolour and basic editing). I also love writing, my grammar isn't the best so I would need someone to proof-read my work but if you need someone to write NPC dialogue or create side quests then I've got you covered!

I tend to write large paragraphs, often without even trying, so if you've read all of this then thank you! I'm looking forward to my time on this site!
United Kingdom (GMT)
Often lost in thought
Hobbyist artist/writer