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  • Sometimes you make a game based on Kanye West right before he announces his desire to erase you and everyone like you, so you have to redo everything and lose years of work.

    Heatmor is still the ultimate bastard.
    The NPCs in my game have unionized and demanded that I stop relentlessly bullying them 😔. No💚
    If you delete some of them, then there won't be enough to unionize!
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    Reactions: Cabig
    There's no proof, absolutely no proof that I called this .rxproj file an "unforgiving assload of work." Maybe that's what it called me. You don't know. You weren't there. Who are you going to trust, me or this shitfuck bastard endeavor?
    I have gotten cursing at the concept of software down to a science. The efficiency is staggering
    You may have been told that everyone is beautiful and special in their own way, but you have been misinformed. West's Route 107 is ugly and miserable and it deserves a loveless life of pain and horror

    even the rocks know
    If all the MIDIs are loud and bad, then none of them are. That's science
    The current highlight feature of Pokemon West is that every Meowth is tired of your shit.
    good feature
    How is development coming along? Well, I just called a 17 year old game-making program a "shitcuck motherfucker"
    The tilesets and pb scripts have risen up to mutiny against me, a civil war has begun
    Pokemon West takes place in the West region, which is in the West. Let me know if this is too complicated for you; I'll slow down and repeat myself.
    okay but does the region to the west of West still call West West, because that would mean for them that West was East, but East isn't West, West is West, ya'know?
    No region would ever even think about daring to be west of West
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