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Recent content by CaiGuyCrafter

  1. CaiGuyCrafter

    Resource FRLG Summary Screen and Party Screen

    Hey Seyuna, I was wondering how I could change the text size. It's a bit small. In the older versions, it was in @sprites["overlay"].bitmap.font.size-=5. You could just delete it and it would go back to its default size. I'm not seeing that anymore when I do a search for it. Any way you could...
  2. CaiGuyCrafter

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Awesome! My only question is, is there a way I can make it so that only one Pokemon can be taken out? As in, you can't make any other Pokemon follow you, just one; exactly like how Pokemon Yellow was with Pikachu. If so, thank you and I'd love to know!
  3. CaiGuyCrafter

    Released Pokémon Electric Pikachu Beta

    Please do! And check out the manga as well, I actually think it's good compared to the Ash in the anime. Ash of the anime is quite dumb, while this one is actually a strategist! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
  4. CaiGuyCrafter

    Released Pokémon Electric Pikachu Beta

    Title: Pokémon Electric Pikachu Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9ne9m6t4ofwi2tq/Pokemon+Electric+Pikachu.zip/file Welcome! Just a little background, this story is loosely based off of the Toshihiro Ono manga, the Electric Tale Of Pikachu. I saw that a lot of people made Fangames...
  5. CaiGuyCrafter

    Released Pokémon Splice

    This is an awesome game, Thundaga. I received a shiny Arenay on my first try!