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Recent content by bjorn__92

  1. bjorn__92

    Resource Advanced Items Field Moves

    you can choose false in the script and it still works for me
  2. bjorn__92

    Resource Advanced Items Field Moves

    Does this plugin remove the functionality of the normal hm's?
  3. bjorn__92

    Resource Overworld Rock Climb EX

    The follower moves slower then the player with this plugin active how can i fix this?(i'm using essentials v20.1)
  4. bjorn__92

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    Does this still work with volseon pause menu version V20.1 because 005_VoltseonMenu_Entries.rb doesn't excist in the folder
  5. bjorn__92

    Tutorial Water current for Essentials v20/20.1

    Thank you for the quick response
  6. bjorn__92

    Tutorial Water current for Essentials v20/20.1

    [Pokémon Essentials version 20.1] [v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.6] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `pbterraintag' for #<Game_Player> Backtrace: Overworld:614:in `block in pbWaterCurrent' Overworld:613:in `loop' Overworld:613:in `pbWaterCurrent' Overworld:172:in `block in <main>'...
  7. bjorn__92

    Completed Pokémon Daybreak [NEW UPDATE!]

    Don't be so negatif the game is awesome and you can learn so much how they made the game to bad i don't have the patch
  8. bjorn__92

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    I like this resource very much but have a problem hope someone knows how to fix it