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Recent content by Brom

  1. Brom

    Discussion Plot Planning, Direction, & Pacing

    In your experience, what are the pros and cons of having a plot-heavy or a plot-simple story? A mix of the two? Given that you’re making a game, I feel that gameplay is important. I do like games that have a good plot, but I feel if it’s not fun to play, I don’t feel I would actually play it...
  2. Brom

    Discussion Creating your own region

    Introduction For me, I like working from the macro level to the micro level for whole regions (granted I haven’t finished mapping my region map by map just yet, so do take my advice with a grain of salt.) Generally, I like to start out with a pre-existing place from real life. For this, I use...
  3. Brom

    Survey: General Hardware Specs and OS

    Yeah, valid. The survey is also there to find people with slightly under-represented hardware like Linux or Mac machines along with things like AMD hardware. I'm kinda curious if there will be any users from Vista or earlier though because it'd be neat to test on older hardware to see if things...
  4. Brom

    Survey: General Hardware Specs and OS

    Hi, I'm Brom, as some of you may already know, and I'm working with Toby (formerly sukoshijon), Fontbane, Frog Wizard, and two others on a project currently known as Project SF (working title). For those who don't already know, Project SF is going to be a 3D fan game based off of the look of Gen...
  5. Brom

    Resource Misc. VFX from BW2

    Brom submitted a new resource: Misc. VFX from BW2 - A zip of various overworld VFX from Pokémon Black and White 2 Read more about this resource...
  6. Brom

    Animations Misc. VFX from BW2 1.0

    Includes: Normal Tall Grass Overlays (all seasons) Dark Tall Grass Overlays (all seasons, marked with _s) Normal Long Grass Overlays (all seasons, marked with _l) Dark Long Grass Overlays (all seasons, marked with _ls) Cut Anim (based on the Gen 5 one, but not 1:1 since it's using sprites and...
  7. Brom

    Discussion Lessons from Generation 8

    The plot wasn't very eventful except for the end, but it looked a lot more hands off than Gen 7, for better or worse (also coming from someone watching and not playing). It seemed decent overall though.
  8. Brom

    Making Fan Games vs. Making Original Games

    I mean, I'm using Unity (as my own thing, not Pokémon Unity) to make a 3D fan game, but as Leilou said, the fact that it's Pokémon sort of undermines the work I do such as modeling or my writing because it's Pokémon.
  9. Brom

    Making Fan Games vs. Making Original Games

    Yeah I sort of feel this too. I kinda hate how if I want to tell someone I'm working on my game that I also have to be like "hey but it's a Pokémon fan game." I think I'm more comfortable doing fan game stuff because of having a structure already there to work with whereas with original IPs you...
  10. Brom

    Making Fan Games vs. Making Original Games

    So, a thing that's been on my mind a lot is if I should switch to making my fan game into an independent game, separate from the base of Pokémon. Things I've noticed as positives from independent works over fan works is that you can promote it as much as you want without the concern of a C&D or...
  11. Brom

    Recruiting Assembling a Team for Project SF (Working Title)

    Hey, just here to bump the thread and also add in another thing I modeled.
  12. Brom

    Recruiting Assembling a Team for Project SF (Working Title)

    This was a project that I've held onto before Kodiak came along lol Either way, I still sorta want to get more team members because working mostly on my own (other than Mvit's major contributions to GDWare) was a big stress-er and I think delegating things properly would be a smarter option for...
  13. Brom

    Recruiting Assembling a Team for Project SF (Working Title)

    [Recruiting] Looking to recruit: A secondary planner A secondary concept artist A secondary scenario writer A 2D sprite artist/tile artist A mapper Project Title: Project SF (Working Title) Team Name/Team Members: Toby (sukoshijon) Progress/Screenshots: Overall, the general plan for the plot...