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Recent content by Fil

  1. Fil

    Removing Stuff (trainer card, townmap, pokèmons)

    Hi all 🦄 really don't think someone remembers me, my project is still in phase 1 (pixelart creation/modification) and it will probably stay there for some more time. It's a very long work, between fakemon sprites, tilesets, charasets, UI and trainers, even if i try to mantain a...
  2. Fil

    New guy needs help (please)

    It works, with appropriates $ and ? it finally works 🥹 I have to make a very long string, not very elegant probably, but it works, so i'm very happy... i also learn how to use ( ) in if-conditional with || and &&, so it's also very instructive. Thank you! 🦄🍩
  3. Fil

    New guy needs help (please)

    I probably poorly explain myself, sorry for that. It's not like you need multiple species, but you need at least one pokèmon in your party which must be of a species among certain predetermined species. Of course the pbMessage will be modify to make everything more clear, but that's not the hard...
  4. Fil

    New guy needs help (please)

    Thank you, it's working! 🦄 I put both the lines you suggested and this is create some kind of conflict, i didn't immidiatly understand they were alternatives. How you suggest to add more then one species? I see that (:XXX || :XXX) dosen't work. I copy paste this part for all the species that...
  5. Fil

    New guy needs help (please)

    Hey, thanks for your reply and for trying. However, that dosen't work. If you don't have the correct pokèmon(s), message shows up, but after that you still mount your bike. Could be a Debug Mode stuff? Dunno, but thanks again for your tryin'.
  6. Fil

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    Thank you for doing that for me, i just hoping it was some single line changing that could fix that (‘cause i’m no expert)… of course I was ready to contact him too if it turned out a more complex problem of compatibility. Thanks for your help and time 🦄
  7. Fil

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    Hi, thanks for your reply 🍩 There is this: def getPreviousRefreshDate(date) pokeMartTracker = $ArckyGlobal.pokeMartTracker[@map_id][@event_id] return 0 if pokeMartTracker.empty? return (getDateFromString(date) - getDateFromString(pokeMartTracker[:date].to_s)) / (24 * 60 * 60) end def...
  8. Fil

    Resource [20.1+] Weather System

    Yea, i don’t go around a lot in my testing, that’s sure is. Thank you sincerely for your help and this amazing script 🙏🏻
  9. Fil

    Resource [20.1+] Weather System

    I really appreciate your fast answer and the time you dedicate to fix the problem, but now something else seems going on... no crashing error to show this time, but if i mantain the proprtion of 180 in Unreal Time and the same config as i have before, now it's Sunny. Always Sunny. Even if i have...
  10. Fil

    Resource [20.1+] Weather System

    Hi everyone 🦄 I am trying to do some test with the plugins i like before starting mapping ecc., and i have some difficulties to make this work. I dunno if has something to do with Unreal Time, i know they should be compatible. I use 21.1 version of Essentials. My config are: no season, no...
  11. Fil

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    This script is amazing, but I am having hard time to make it works with Arcky's Pokémarts plugin (amazing too), i suppose i have to change something here date = pbGetTimeNow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if stockWithLimit.any? {|item| item.is_a?(Array) } $ArckyGlobal.pokeMartTracker ||= {}...
  12. Fil

    New guy needs help (please)

    Hi to everyone, i don't find any section to introduce myself, so i hope i'm doing everything in the right way. I am Italian, so I could misspell something or do any sort of funny mistake, in that case educate me, i'll appreciate that. I fiddle around rpgmaker since my adolescence (i'm 32 now)...
  13. Fil

    Resource [v20\v21] Item Crafter UI Plus

    This script is amazing!!! There is a way to increase by 1 a variable (ex. "CookingSkill") every time you craft a flag-specific item (ex. "Cooking" flag)? And maybe consuming specific items?Checking the value of this variable could be a very cool way to give more advanced-recepies to the player...