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Recent content by Eco

  1. Eco

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see a 2.3 download link anywhere lol. Neither here, or the other thread or anywhere.
  2. Eco

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Well I'm referring to the post right above that mentions a version 2.3.
  3. Eco

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Dumb question, is the one here I should be downloading if I have 21.1? I see there's a different thread with 21.1 version, but this one is being updated so I'm a bit confused on the correct link to download. 😅
  4. Eco

    Resource ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library

    Are you exporting it in OGG format with a sample rate of 44.1hz? I had issues where I was exporting it with 48k and that was causing the incorrect looping for me.
  5. Eco

    Resource Level Caps Ex

    So I'm not sure if something broke? I added the new scripts, changed the config to my switches/variables. Used an event to trigger the switches and....nothing. I set the level cap to 16, Gave a rare candy, and it went to 17. There is no logging either being shown. LOG_LEVEL_CAP_CHANGES = true...
  6. Eco

    Resource Animated Spin Tiles

    Hey there! The attachments and links seem to no longer be valid. Would you be able to re-upload them?
  7. Eco

    Resource Encounter list UI (v19+)

    This question might have been answered, but is there a way to hide the Encounter option from the menu UI until you trigger a certain event? Example: Prof's aide approaches you to upgrade your Pokedex which enables encounters
  8. Eco

    Resource Essentials Gamepad Compatibility

    How would one implement this in 21.1?
  9. Eco

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Ah gotcha. I'll stick with the current then! Been always a fan of the more minimalist BW Databox, but can't be helped.
  10. Eco

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Is there a way for the databox basic style to be default for all battles without having to set a rule for all of them?
  11. Eco

    Resource Shallow Beach Water Bubbles

    Would love for this to work on puddles!
  12. Eco

    Resource DexNav UI

    Does this still work?
  13. Eco

    Resource NPB's Battle UI and even MORE more

    The badges seem to not be appearing in the trainer card now.
  14. Eco

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Ahhh you fixed the music bug, thank you!
  15. Eco

    Resource Lantern Item [HM Item for Flash]

    The game crashes on use. Is this not compatible with v21.1?