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  • Fun fact: Based on the URL of the newest resource at the time of writing, there are 1,053 resources that have been posted to Relic.

    The first resource posted in 2021 is #513, Terrain Step Sounds by Enurta.

    That means that there's been 540 resources created in the past two years! (And we've still got a few months left in 2022!)
    Honestly, an Iron Mapper with a required tileset would be cool. I think finding tilesets can cause a problem for mappers-new mappers don't
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    Reactions: Jona1
    always know where to look for tilesets, and even seasoned mappers might have a hard time finding a tileset to match their idea. A set for everyone could be a nice way to make things easier on new competitors, and
    maybe encourage people to step out of their comfort zone, depending on what the tileset /didn't/ include. (Maybe an outdoors map doesn't have trees that line up together, so mappers have to go for less uniform boundaries) It could also open up the possibility for a new challenge in arranging tilesets-the winner could be the one used in Iron Mapper!
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