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Recent content by Night_Fury

  1. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Okay, due to a lack of response on if this project is still being worked on I'm assuming it's a dead project. Thanks for not interacting with people the audience on a regular basis.
  2. Night_Fury

    Released Pokémon: Trick-Or-Treat

    Hey! Just wanted to say it's that time of year and I was hoping to see an update soon. In the mean time I just uploaded a short playthrough video to help get the game on people's mind. I hope you like it and that we get to see more soon. View: https://youtu.be/2xa6Ae2cOr0
  3. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Ahh. That's what they meant by, "it was made in a rush by an amateur game dev." I thought they were referring to a separate person, not themselves.
  4. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    It sounds like you kinda took over the project from someone else, so I think an overhaul could really help to get this game in a place that you want it to be and really make it your own. I don't mind having to wait a bit longer if it means we can get an all encompassing and well thought out gym...
  5. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Aron and some other pokemon have been changed to have regional variant. So, it's typing is different now. There are also new fakemon in the game. Try to check the game's wiki instead of bulbapedia.
  6. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    There's currently no spawn for Eevee. There is eventually a painter lady in the very beginning area, New day plains. She says "vee" alot in her dialogue. If you battle and beat her she will gift you an Eevee. Be sure to check this area often.
  7. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    You're on the right track. Keep leveling up. Sylveon requires a high enough affection, which you only get by using it in battle and stuff. Try having it hold a soothe bell as well to boost that effect.
  8. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Have you gone to the mailbox and picked your gym guide as the mayor suggested?
  9. Night_Fury

    Released Pokémon: Trick-Or-Treat

    This is a fun game. I'm really enjoying it. Thank you so much for giving the Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist line some love. Not many fangames have them and it's my favorite ghost type. Quick note: after saving the old lady's Snubull and going back to talk to her, the dialogue finishes she turns around and...
  10. Night_Fury

    Completed Pokémon Infinity

    Neither. It's a custom pc. I upgraded my graphics card a couple years ago.
  11. Night_Fury

    Completed Pokémon Infinity

    The game has been kinda lagging in some places. For the most part I've ignored it, but in bigger towns and cities it's really noticeable. Any ideas for how I can fix this?
  12. Night_Fury

    Completed Pokémon Infinity

    Been playing for a little while and finally got myself a Gourgeist. Her move, trick-or-treat, says it makes the opposing Pokémon a ghost-type. Well every time I've used the move and then used a subsequent ghost-type move on a Normal type the ghost move does nothing. Is the trick-or-treat move...
  13. Night_Fury

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    I had the same problem at first. Same starter and everything. Here's what you'll want to do. In the starting area you can go around all the trainers without triggering them, make sure you talk to the girl who gives you pokeballs, then in the starting area go to the left and there is a cave with...