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Recent content by Jace

  1. J

    Iron Mapper IRONMAPPER Season 5: Discussion

    Congrats to the winners on their well-deserved pieces! Excited for the next Trial whenever that may be :)
  2. J

    Iron Mapper IRONMAPPER Season 5: Trial I

    Trial: I: Ominosity Map Name: Derelict Mansion Map: Critique Requested: I don't mind ☺️ Credits: All by me, with edits to vanilla Crystal tiles Notes: since I work in Gen 2 style, the tilemap is formatted for pokecrystal, so feel free to rip from the map if it's easier haha
  3. J

    Iron Mapper IRON MAPPER: Trial V

    Map Name: The Annual Water Flower Festival Trial: V Map: Cerulean City Notes: Once per year, the people of Cerulean City host a ceremony at Cerulean Cape where Trainers release thousands of flowers into the ocean. It is an old tradition that is believed to make the Prince of the Sea happy...
  4. J

    Resource Pokéride functionality

    Ah, yeah. Copied the raw pastebin directly... was there somewhere else I needed to grab it from with the changes? (I didn't mind though, I adapted those lines anyway, but it was more for others haha)
  5. J

    Resource Pokéride functionality

    Hi, first off what a fantastic resource! Thank you for sharing this! I noticed two main errors, the first one is syntax-related I guess, the other is cosmetic. Hopefully these issues aren't exclusive to me, don't intend to make an ass of myself aha. Anyway I'm running a clean copy of 17.2, if...
  6. J

    Resource Auto Hue Pokémon

    This is a great idea! Can't believe something like this took this long to come around haha
  7. J

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    I was wondering if there was going to be a recurring theme, object, or character at all that needed to be included in this year's Jam?
  8. J

    You probably have, I do get around a bit haha.

    You probably have, I do get around a bit haha.