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Recent content by Sylv3on

  1. Sylv3on

    Resource [v20\v21] Item Crafter UI Plus

    1 question: If I put pbGetRecipes("XXX") into a conditional branch, would it be true when a player crafts something or would it be true even if they cancel? because I'm trying to set up for the player to gradually level up their crafting skill as they craft things.
  2. Sylv3on

    Short-term Pokemon Looming Futures is Recruiting!

    Made in Pokemon Essentials v21.1 Project Description: I have been wanting to make a unique linear pokemon game experience. You don't catch pokemon, you will slowly gain new party members throughout the adventure and each party member will unstorable/unreleasable until the post game, so each...
  3. Sylv3on

    Short-term Pokemon Lunar Harvest - Looking for Sprite Artists, Animator and Musician

    Using Pokémon essentials v19.1 Positions that I'm recruiting for: Battle Spriter - front/back sprites that are Elite Battle System DX compatible Overworld Spriter - overworld sprites for NPCs, Pokémon and the player Item Spriter - Item icons and item sprites Tile-set Spriter - tilesets...
  4. Sylv3on

    Short-term Pokemon: Lunar Harvest

    I need a Spriter/Pixel Artist for characters/npcs/tilesets and items. I am using Pokemon essentials v18.1 here's what I need help with: Tile-sets - Big city, desert, snow, savannah, small town, mountain, swamp, etc. Items - icons and overworld sprites Pokémon - Gen 8 + megas/other forms NPCs -...
  5. Sylv3on

    Pokemon: Lunar Harvest (Looking for scripters and pixel artists)

    Ok, the demo should be ready soon.
  6. Sylv3on

    Pokemon: Lunar Harvest (Looking for scripters and pixel artists)

    Yes, im working alone, thus is why i need help with art and scripts to move the proccess along faster. I'm nearly complete with some main features and i might make a shot playable demo to show those features off once complete.
  7. Sylv3on

    Pokemon: Lunar Harvest (Looking for scripters and pixel artists)

    yeah, they do, but i'm talking about different fishing and mining, i'm talking about fishing for actual fish not a wild battle and not the mining mini-game.
  8. Sylv3on

    Pokemon: Lunar Harvest (Looking for scripters and pixel artists)

    hello, i am creating a harvest moon/Pokemon fan game, i am looking for the following roles: Scripter - create scripts for activities (Mining, fishing, etc.) - create scripts for etc. Pixel artists - Create Logos - Create Plants - Create Title screen - Create pixel characters - Create...