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Recent content by -FL-

  1. -FL-

    Idea Just dance plugin

    The way that you did a fade out/fade in are pretty different from standard Essentials scene structures. I suggest looking at my Diploma (and how to do a simple scene) script and try to use some more standard ways of doing scenes: Basically, to fade out and fade in the map scene, I put the...
  2. -FL-

    Resource Tilt Labyrinth Game

    -FL- updated Tilt Labyrinth Game with a new update entry: 1.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. -FL-

    v21.1 Tilt Labyrinth Game - 1.0.1

    Add a setting to pause time while at exit confirm dialog.
  4. -FL-

    Resource Game Time

    As far as I've seen, the syntax of this script better (I made mostly of my script in 2013) and have some extra methods to skip time (like move_to_night instead of manually typing move_to_hour(22)). It also skips leap years. Besides this, looks the same.
  5. -FL-

    Resource PE Terrain Step Sounds v19.1

    I managed to replicate it when I steps into the bridge tile (south of Lappet Town). The tile has tag 17. This was the missing detail. I edited the script and now it won't crashes when you step in a tile with tag higher than 15.
  6. -FL-

    Resource PE Terrain Step Sounds v19.1

    I can't replicate. How this error happened? This also may be due to wrong configuration of Tag/Tileset in script part. Did you use a new tag in your tilesets? If so, you need to copy/paste the new tags`in Tag array like: Tag[16] = [] # New Tag If this won't solve the issue, can you post here...
  7. -FL-

    Resource PE Terrain Step Sounds v19.1

    Looks like there is a part missing at the error message. You copied only the backtrace.
  8. -FL-

    Is there a way to access legacy pokemon essential versions?

    I think that only Maruno have all. Try to ask him directly.
  9. -FL-

    Resource [v13+] Simple HUD

    An user asked me how to change background color based in a variable. To do this. Change line BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.new(128,128,192) to def backgroundColor return case pbGet(42) when 1; Color.new(192,128,128) when 2; Color.new(128,192,182) else; Color.new(128,128,192) end...
  10. -FL-

    Resource [v13+] Set the Time

    What is your Essentials version? I tested in v21.1 and it is working. Try this script command after setting the time to make sure that it isn't working: print("Before clear",pbGetTimeNow) SetTime.clear print("After clear",pbGetTimeNow)
  11. -FL-

    Resource [v13+] Triple Triad Booster Pack

    Pretty easy! Instead of this: [ :PIDGEY, :PIDGEOTTO, :PIDGEOT ] Use this ( [:PIDGEY]*7 + [:PIDGEOTTO]*3 + [:PIDGEOT] ) So, Pidgeotto will have 3 times the chance of Pidgeot card, and Pidgey will have 7 times the chance of Pidgeot card OR you can even add at top: COMMON = 7 UNCOMMON = 3...
  12. -FL-

    v21.1 Tilt Labyrinth Game 1.0.1

    Minigame where the player should tilt a frame in order to make the ball fall into the goal. Tested on Essentials v21.1. If this script isn't working on latest Essentials version, please inform on this thread.
  13. -FL-

    Resource Tilt Labyrinth Game

    -FL- submitted a new resource: Tilt Labyrinth Game - Minigame where the player should tilt a frame with a ball. Read more about this resource...
  14. -FL-

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    If you put it above main it should be working. I suggest testing in in example maps (outdoor maps) or made a NPC who said the current time. This page explains how to turn it into a plugin.
  15. -FL-

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    I put an extra "s" in the method call. Fixed!