Can you handle the cutthroat and perilous trials set forth by the judges?
This is IRON MAPPER: Relic Castle's mapping competition!
Trial VI. Mid-Game Route Map
Deadline: Friday, June 1st
Iron Mapper
Iron Mapper is a mapping competition on Relic Castle. Each mapping competition, otherwise known as a "trial", will have a deadline clearly stated, and you will have this time to complete and submit a map according to the theme and criteria of the trial. Once all submitted maps are judged after the deadline (this depends on the volume of entries, usually a few days), the judges will post the results, and prepare for the next trial.
For more information (overall rules, how judging works, a list of trials) please visit this thread.
Trial VI. Mid-Game Route Map
Deadline: Friday, June 1st 2018
The mid-game, where the routes are neither too long or too short! At this point in the game, the Player should have a couple HMs to overcome obstacles, and their Pokémon party should start being more and more fleshed out. The developer also has a variety options; they could start using different types of biomes, dungeon inclusion, and even puzzles. Truly, a trial with a focus on the mid-game has a lot of potential for all those participating!
Good luck!
The following criteria must be met:
- Your map can be made with any tileset you want provided the tiles are public. You must include credits for the tiles with your submission if they aren't your own.
- Your map cannot exceed 120x120 tiles.
Your judge for this trial are:
A tip from the judge:
"If you're stuck for inspiration, check out routes from Hoenn and Sinnoh. They both have quite a lot of variety and could give you a couple ideas!"
Submitting your Entry
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