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Search results

  1. SirWeibrot

    Resource BW Speech Bubble

    Hi, When I evolve my Pokemon via level up, the speech bubble appears on the top of the screen
  2. SirWeibrot

    Resource Small Script For Perfect IV Shinies

    Hi! Just wanted to ask if you wanted to be credited for your edit? Thanks!
  3. SirWeibrot

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    Hi, I just noticed that a caught Pokemon shows its date received based on Time.local, rather than the actual date it was received. Is there a way to change/fix this?
  4. SirWeibrot

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    Hi, I am currently editing the UI and I can't seem to find where to edit the quest name color
  5. SirWeibrot

    Resource Improved Field Skills [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    whoops that was my mistake, I actually have HM_SKILLS_REQUIRE_BADGE set to false, nothing was working because of a conflict with Advanced Items Field Moves, but I thought it was because of my edits.
  6. SirWeibrot

    Resource Improved Field Skills [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    Hi, I'm trying to make it so the HMs require a certain switch rather than a badge, as the 2 aren't connected in my game I know that I need to define the switches like HM_CUT_SWITCH = 208 and then if $game_switches[HM_CUT_SWITCH] = true but I dont know how to add it to "[001]...
  7. SirWeibrot

    Resource HM Catalogue

    I managed to fix it (or at least it isn't crashing when starting the game, i haven't tested if everything works properly) Go into your Plugins>HM Catalogue Folder and open the Main_script Scroll all the way down to line 842 and replace all of module GameData class TerrainTag attr_reader...
  8. SirWeibrot

    Resource Boon's Phenomena: BW Style Grass Rustle, Cave Dust + More

    I'm also having another issue, the Phenomenon Exp Boost isn't working: [Pokémon Essentials version 20.1] [v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `phenomenonExp' for nil:NilClass Backtrace: 149:Battle_ExpAndMoveLearning:138:in `pbGainExpOne'...
  9. SirWeibrot

    Resource BW Gender Selector

    I have a problem. The male trainer is slightly bigger than the female one Here is a side by side to better illustrate what I mean: As you can see the male trainer is bigger both when selected and de-selected and there are some extra pixels on his hat, shoulder, arm and lower leg when...
  10. SirWeibrot

    Resource [v12+] Game Over

    I managed to find the issue, it is with TechSkylander1518's Vendily's Evolve During Battle, which adds $game_map.autoplay to def pbEndBattle(_result), do you know of a way to fix this?
  11. SirWeibrot

    Resource [v12+] Game Over

    I just tested it on a new Essentials, but it didn't have the issue, so it must be a conflict with another plugin, right? I'll do some more testing and come back to you
  12. SirWeibrot

    Resource HM Catalogue

    I get the exact same error message...
  13. SirWeibrot

    Resource [v12+] Game Over

    I am on the exact same version. Yes I did define the game over stuff under F9 originally, but I must've accidentally hit cancel or something, cause it's wasn't there anymore, so that is fixed now. However I still have the overworld music playing for a moment after I black out.
  14. SirWeibrot

    Resource [v12+] Game Over

    Hi, I am having 2 issues with this resource: - When I black out, the overworld music will start playing for 1 second again - The "Game Over" graphic doesn't appear, it is simply a black screen
  15. SirWeibrot

    Resource Somersault's Utilities Script

    Oh wow, you're right... I filtered for v20 resources so I didn't even check the individual resources' versions, I have no idea how this got in there then...
  16. SirWeibrot

    Resource Somersault's Utilities Script

    I keep getting this error message: [Pokémon Essentials version 20.1] [v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7] Error in Plugin: [Somersault Utilities Script] Exception: NameError Message: uninitialized constant Events Backtrace: [Somersault Utilities Script] [004] Map Utilities Script.rb:340:in `<main>'...
  17. SirWeibrot

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    Oh wow, thanks! I was looking for an individual file like the other icons...
  18. SirWeibrot

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    I am having an issue. I was editing the pocket icon pictures, but when I looked at it ingame, the highlighted icon that shows the pocket I am currently in shows the edited icon, but the grayed out icons for all the other pockets use their default icons. Here is an example: As you can see the...
  19. SirWeibrot

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Thank you very much!
  20. SirWeibrot

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    When one of the Pokemon in my party has a status condition, the game crashes with the following Error message: [Pokémon Essentials version 20.1] [v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `id_number' for #<GameData::Status> Backtrace: [Voltseon's Pause Menu]...