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Search results

  1. Kyu

    Resource Egg Hatcher

    Available right now 😉
  2. Kyu

    Egg Hatcher - Compatibility with v19

    Script updated to give compatibility with v19
  3. Kyu

    Resource Egg Hatcher

    Kyu updated Egg Hatcher with a new update entry: Compatibility with v19 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Kyu

    BOTW-Like Item Gathering 1.0

    Author: Kyu Compatible with: v16, v17 and v18.1 Overview This resource adds an alternative way of gathering items and berries, though the last one is optional. A notification will appear on screen without showing any messages or stopping the action, making it ideal for exploration-heavy and...
  5. Kyu

    Resource BOTW-Like Item Gathering

    Kyu submitted a new resource: BOTW-Like Item Gathering - Fast item gathering. Ideal for exploration-heavy and fast paced games Read more about this resource...
  6. Kyu

    Resource Egg Hatcher

    It will ask if you want to add it to your party or send it to the PC
  7. Kyu

    Resource Egg Hatcher

    Kyu submitted a new resource: Egg Hatcher - An egg hatcher to store up to 6 eggs without taking spaces from your party Read more about this resource...
  8. Kyu

    Egg Hatcher 1.1

    Authors: Kyu and Clara Compatible with: v16, v17, v18 and v19.1 Overview This script adds to the game an egg hatcher which allows the player to take alongside him up to 6 eggs without taking spaces from your team. Once available to the player it will ask if they want to send newly obtained eggs...
  9. Kyu

    Not really, sorry

    Not really, sorry
  10. Kyu


  11. Kyu

    Resource Essentials Gamepad Compatibility

    Kyu submitted a new resource: Essentials Gamepad Compatibility - Gamepad compatibility for Pokemon Essentials Read more about this resource...
  12. Kyu

    Essentials Gamepad Compatibility - Essentials Gamepad Compatibility

    I was investigating a bit with ruby and i wanted to see in deep how did win32API worked. For my first try i decided to get on with the XInput dll and... well, this come out. Essentials Gamepad Input is an easy to install script ready to be use directly in essentials with any xinput compatible...
  13. Kyu

    Discussion Happy birthday thread!

    Happy birthday @Tomix9tomix , @Gav ! Have a wonderful day!
  14. Kyu

    Discussion Happy birthday thread!

    Happy birthday @112 , enjoy your day
  15. Kyu


  16. Kyu


    Rivals in pokemon use to be of two kinds: the one that is super-friendly and tells you how good you´re as a pokemon trainer or a hateful character that underate you and think you´ve only win because you´re so lucky. Normally the second type use to be the best ones, silver overall. Silver is so...
  17. Kyu

    Ohhh, now i remember, you're the gobernor of zerolandia. You dont have to ask, you're going to...

    Ohhh, now i remember, you're the gobernor of zerolandia. You dont have to ask, you're going to slave me even if i dint want ^^
  18. Kyu

    Hey, another user that seems familiar but i dont know who is, hi!

    Hey, another user that seems familiar but i dont know who is, hi!
  19. Kyu

    Resource Alternative Party Menu

    Uhmm, ok, i will have a look. Yup, PS is exactly The same as HP in other languages, but i can change It About The gradient, well, i knew not everyone would like it. This menu is more intended to be a base. But i appreciate your feedback, of course
  20. Kyu

    Resource Alternative Party Menu

    Kyu submitted a new resource: Alternative Party Menu - A different party menu UI Read more about this resource...