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Search results

  1. U

    Resource Relearning moves from party menu(Like P:LA)

    In my case, the move relearner shows every move a pokémon can learn before they reach the level they're supposed to learn that move. Is this supposed to happen and how can I change it to only show the moves the pokémon has learned so far instead?
  2. U

    Recruiting Project DPS (Defiance, a Pokémon Story)

    DPS is a rpgmaker/poke essentials project determined to creating a different approach to the pokémon formula focused on character driven storytelling, pokémon interaction and worldbuilding in a pseudo sequel to the events of pokémon Y. Main features include: -Two alternative playable...
  3. U

    Resource Name Windows

    Can the presets be coded to say a specific name? Like writing "\xnpn" and it displays the name of the player without needing brackets? Or a predetermined character name just to make it shorter