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Search results

  1. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Our first ever team mapper is now complete! Thank you to everyone who participated, and contributed to our first ever Eevee Expo event, and it was a massive success! In the past, we have provided badges for participants, so we'll see what we can cook up this time around. Here's the final map!
  2. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    60 28 64 10 48 Again, I went with everybody who hadn't had a plot in first come first serve order. Apoligies to those who weren't able to get a plot in this last round! I'm so glad that Team Mapper seems to be a hit!
  3. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    We are now done with Round 3 and the image has been updated! We are now accepting Round 4 applications!
  4. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    I'm not able to access this image on drive. Can you change the sharing mode to anyone with the link can view?
  5. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Your map is locked and I need permissions to view it. Can you change it to anyone the link can view?
  6. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    15 59 27 9 43 31 29 41 I believe that is all the plots for Round 3! For this message, I had to leave some people out because there were too many people that applied. I went at a first come first serve basis but left people out if they had already gotten a plot prior. We are now waiting...
  7. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    25 45 57 13 11 63 Sorry, all plots are random! You get 47! And no, you're not allowed to tweak a tileset. 61
  8. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    We are now accepting applications for Round 3! Please apply! (I did have to alter a few plots from Round 2 to make everything flow correctly, but I tried to make as few changes as possible.)
  9. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Sorry, we're not accepting applications now. I can sign you up for a Round 3 plot when those open though if you'd like!
  10. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Sorry, I already gave out plot 36! But you can have plot 38 instead (i swear that was random) 34 24 8 4 22 50
  11. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Round 1 is complete! We are now accepting applications for Round 2, and anyone can participate, even if you participated in Round 1! The map image has been updated in the original post.
  12. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Your plot is 13x13, could you reduce it to 12x12?
  13. Cadeorade5

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    You're lucky I'm willing to give you the last one...