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Search results

  1. tammyclaydon

    Resource Use SURF with any WATER type pokemon

    does this still allow for non water types who can learn surf to still surf such as dragonite or mew?
  2. tammyclaydon

    Resource Multiple Protagonists

    this looks like its what ive been looking for just a couple of questions 1) how complicated will it be to convert to 21.1 ive done a couple but i know some are harder than others 2) is there a way to battle an inactive protaganist 3) i see that theres ways to share the pokedex but can this be...
  3. tammyclaydon

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    this works on v21.1 of essentials thats what im using and it works fine
  4. tammyclaydon

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    that fixed the sliding issue also seems to have fixed the issue that the follower occasionally goes into impassable tiles altho only done a quick test on that. had to turn the impassible follower off for now as it affects for scripted movment of npcs that atm i cant be bothered to fix but when i...
  5. tammyclaydon

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    thanks i'll remove it for now when its fixed i'll readd EDIT well made a temp fix of just commenting the affected lines out seems to work for now at least
  6. tammyclaydon

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    ok i do seem to be getting an error when going onto sliding ice tiles [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.0] [EBDX v1.4.1 (E21)] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `sliding' for #<PokemonGlobalMetadata> Backtrace: [Following Pokemon EX] Following...
  7. tammyclaydon

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    ive managed to fix it but not sure how to be honest but its all sortted now anyway. thanks for the response tho
  8. tammyclaydon

    Resource In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

    simply amazing work as always
  9. tammyclaydon

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [EBDX v1.4.1 (E21)] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass Backtrace: UI_Pokedex_Entry:331:in `block in pbGetEncounterPoints' Encounter:55:in `block in each_of_version' Encounter:47:in `block in each' Encounter:47:in `each'...
  10. tammyclaydon

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    that done it dumbass me put it on a wrong event page that had already been turned off lol
  11. tammyclaydon

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    just tried your update but doesnt seem to do anything so i could be doing something wrong. installed the plugin, animations and graphics recompiled and gone ingame and pressed 'a' but nothing happens gone into the options menu and nothing there either
  12. tammyclaydon

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    seams to crash when withdrawing items from the pc
  13. tammyclaydon

    v21.1 Improved PokeCenter Healing Balls - Download Fixed

    Fixed the download
  14. tammyclaydon

    Resource Improved PokeCenter Healing Balls

    tammyclaydon updated Improved PokeCenter Healing Balls with a new update entry: Download Fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. tammyclaydon

    Resource Improved PokeCenter Healing Balls

    sorry for that been away. no clue what happened with the file but its fixed and tested to be sure it downloads correctly
  16. tammyclaydon

    v21.1 Improved PokeCenter Healing Balls - Essentials 21.1 Update

    Hi all ive updated this script for essentials 21.1. it also now only requires 1 event like the default healing machines. ive included an example map file with the events again (mapid 42)
  17. tammyclaydon

    Resource Improved PokeCenter Healing Balls

    tammyclaydon updated Improved PokeCenter Healing Balls with a new update entry: Essentials 21.1 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. tammyclaydon

    Tutorial Playing Essentials games on Android using Joiplay

    thanks for the guide ive been using this for a while. Pokemon Raptor EX doesnt work but most others seem to be fine
  19. tammyclaydon

    Resource SOS Battles

    ok i may just being stupid but i cant seem to find the download option on github