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Search results

  1. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Encounter list UI (v19+)

    As @ThatWelshOne_ already told multiple times, just switch all mentions of $Trainer within the script to $player.
  2. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Hey, does somebody know if there's a simple way to replace the "overlay_item" icon in the Party Hud component, with the actual held item, like in Party Menu etc?
  3. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    You could try this, for example: MenuHandlers.add(:pause_menu, :keyitem, { "name" => _INTL("Key Item"), "icon_name" => "keyitem", "condition" => proc { next $bag.has?(:KEYITEM) }, "order" => 69, "effect" => proc { |menu| pbFadeOutIn {...
  4. RodMagalhaes

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests 2.0

    I know it's a super ultra mega hyper longshot, but I have a request if somebody is willing to help. See, there's a super outdated script made for v16.3 that's just perfect for my game, but I'm using, you guessed, v21.1. I'm planing to use this achievement system with grids and pictures to...
  5. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Z-Power [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Hey, Lucidious89, thanks for another awesome plugin! I'm loving this more streamlined approach on the plugins. It really helps people who want to use just one of the gimmicks and not the others, like my case. 🙂 I'd like to ask a question but it's ok if there's no easy way around it, as it's...
  6. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Cram-o-Matic

    Turns out I was having problems with pastebin in general, unable to load even their homepage. But now everything seems to be working on my end, even without me doing anything 😅 Thanks for the great script and sorry if I caused any kind of annoyance, it wasn't my intention!
  7. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Cram-o-Matic

    The link is broken ):
  8. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Charm Case

    Hey, would there be a way to set a limit to how many charms you could toggle on at the same time? Like, when you were to toggle the fourth charm on, the game would "You can only have 3 charms toggled on!", or something like that. Being able to increase/decrease that number during gameplay would...
  9. RodMagalhaes

    Resource Customizable Battle UI

    What should be edited in order to achieve that effect? I'd love to make that "message box" transparent too 😀
  10. RodMagalhaes

    Resource PokéSearch

    Thanks, Voltseon! Works great 😁
  11. RodMagalhaes

    Resource PokéSearch

    Is there a way that you can only search for pokemon you've already seen/encountered in that map?
  12. RodMagalhaes

    Resource BerryPots for Essentials v21

    After the apricorn update, when I try to plant apricorns, it works correctly, but when I try to plant a berry, it brings the apricorns menu, not allowing to plant berries, just apricorns. I found that after using a fertilizer, the Plant Berry and Plant Apricorn functions both work correctly.