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Search results

  1. dankE_

    Game Jam Winter Game Jam 3: Recruitment

    Pokéhigh is currently Recruiting! (Name probably not final, like most of this stuff lol) Team: dankE: Writer, UI Luc: Writer, Character Designer Aldo: Eventer, Spriter Looking for: Mapper+Eventer (Gen 3 style!) Progress (Current Plot): You play as (Unnamed Fakemon 👀), a student attending...
  2. dankE_

    Mapping in Dexflow Discord demo! Join us!

    this mapping stuff looks insane so far, very excited to get my hands on it! since I’m not an avid mapper, I'm also very intrigued to see the eventing and battles. joining that server asap lmao.
  3. dankE_

    Recruiting Pokémon Bruh exists and is recruiting!

    Last bruhmp for a bit... just wanted to announce the game finally has a public discord server! Check it out for game updates https://discord.gg/UQTzwsT8Vd
  4. dankE_

    Recruiting Pokémon Bruh exists and is recruiting!

    Nice, I'll let you know when we start looking for testers😄
  5. dankE_

    Recruiting Pokémon Bruh exists and is recruiting!

    bruhmp. we haven't recruited anyone new yet and we could still use help :D
  6. dankE_

    Game Jam Game Jam #7: Recruitment

    Hey, if you're not taken already, we could really use a spriter to make custom trainers! Looking to recruit: Trainer/Tileset Spriter Jam Entry Title: Pokemon: Sunset Bliss Team Name/Team Members: dankE, LucTheDorKing & BusterBackflip Progress/Screenshots: (we have the logo and concept done)...
  7. dankE_

    Game Jam Game Jam #7: Recruitment

    It’s gen 3, but the mapper role has been filled. Sorry for any inconveniences and good luck!
  8. dankE_

    Game Jam Game Jam #7: Recruitment

    Sunset Bliss is Recruiting! Updated: Recruiting Complete! Jam Entry Title: Pokemon: Sunset Bliss Team Name/Team Members: dankE, LucTheDorKing, BusterBackflip & Ciccio Progress/Screenshots: (we have the logo and concept done) Method of Contact: DM dankE#4188 on Discord, or DM me on Relic...
  9. dankE_

    Recruiting Pokémon Bruh exists and is recruiting!

    Not a bad idea lmao! Definitely better then ______
  10. dankE_

    Recruiting Pokémon Bruh exists and is recruiting!

    Sounds great! Contact me on discord and I can send you the server link.
  11. dankE_

    Recruiting Pokémon Bruh exists and is recruiting!

    Interested in Pokémon Bruh? Join the brand new public Discord server! Pokémon Bruh: A meme game with polish! ahah yes an oddly shmexy logo for such a weird game! Woah! Surprised to see you here! My name is dankE and I'm the lead dev of this oddity known as Pokémon Bruh. Pokémon Bruh is being...